2023 Youth Farmer Program- Farming Trainee

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This year at The Common Table Farm, we are happy to announce our first Youth Farmer Program this summer of 2023 for Flemingdon Park Youth. Youth between the ages of 15 – 18 are eligible to apply. The program will run two cohorts. Youth Farmers will be at the farm two to three times a week for four weeks. Our hours of operation are 9 am – 3 pm, Mon-Fri. Only 1 day will be on a Sunday and for that week, the program will only have 1 class.

Transportation will be paid.

There will be two cohorts: July and August.

Application Deadline is June 16, 2023

Curriculum Topics Overview

First week

  • Importance of farming in a city: food insecurity, food deserts, capitalism, racism, Indigenous Land practices and history, your own cultural farming practices
  • Where to farm: community gardens, small land, community farms, balcony, indoor
  • Things to know before growing: size, what can you grow in your space, human power (how much time can you dedicate & what are you able to do, will you need help, etc..), pest control, soil health, tools, resources, soil, amendments, patience and understanding (knowing that your plan will change throughout the growing season and its ok!)
  • Farm maintenance: weeding, harvesting, planting, produce storage, community distribution of vegetables

Second week

  • Planning: how to plan your space and where to get your seeds and other resources, what day to start seedlings and transplanting
  • Seedlings
  • Field Trip
  • Farm maintenance: weeding, harvesting, planting, produce storage

Third week

  • Field Trip
  • Transplanting
  • Harvesting

Fourth Week

  • Field Trip
  • End of Program: certificates and references

*Curriculum subject to change depending on weather and availability*