ECA Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (Amount of Grant: 130000 USD)

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ECA provides non-profit groups with grants and cooperative agreements to help fund exchange programs that foster intercultural, professional, and intellectual understanding.

This year-long initiative of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) builds on the White House’s Summit for Democracy, which was held in December 2021. It brings mayors and municipal leaders from five continents together on several virtual and in-person exchanges to meet with American counterparts and address the three summit pillars: strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism; combating corruption; and promoting respect for human rights.


Institutions must:

    • Be a public or nonprofit organization operating in the United States that satisfies the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    • Have proof of nonprofit status on hand when applying to the IRS.
    • abide by any additional conditions outlined in each RFGP
  • Organizations without a minimum four-year track record of undertaking international exchanges are subject to a $130K cap.

How to Apply

Overview of the Solicitation Process

Unsolicited proposals are not accepted by ECA.
All requests for proposals are created by ECA Program Offices.

The Assistant Secretary must authorize all solicitations before they are placed on and the ECA website.