W.P. Bell Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canadian Studies

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The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University invites applications for a non-renewable two-year postdoctoral fellowship. Applicants should have a completed Ph. D. by the time the appointment takes effect on 1 July 2023.

Prospective candidates should have an active research program in a field relevant to Canadian Studies, along with some teaching experience and a strong interest in undergraduate pedagogy. We encourage applications from scholars who focus on critical issues in contemporary Canada. The successful candidate will work with faculty members who are actively engaged in research related to Indigeneity, critical citizenship, literary and cultural representation, and the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the international research project (Re)Searching for Canadian Studies, (see https://www.yorku.ca/research/robarts/cansearch/).

Colleagues at Mount Allison aim to support the postdoctoral fellow in their career goals and to help them gain skills and experience in relevant areas. The compensation for the fellowship is competitive with other Canadian postdoctoral fellowships and includes funding for moving expenses and research expenses.

The successful candidate will teach in Mount Allison’s program in Canadian Studies during the academic year. They will also be involved in the Canadian Studies’ departmental life, co-curricular programs, and student mentorship. Normally, teaching includes participation in Canadian Studies’ two team-taught introductory courses and one other course per academic year. Cultural Diversity in Canada is one example of a course that the postdoctoral fellow might teach. Because the fellow will also have the opportunity to develop their own course, Canadian Studies is particularly interested in applicants with teaching capacity in areas such as: media and pop culture, Canadian-American and global relations, queerness in Canada, health and wellness, and civic engagement.
The deadline for applications is April 3, 2023. Applicants should submit a letter that describes their teaching, research, and other relevant experience, their curriculum vitae, and arrange to have two letters of reference sent electronically to:

Ms. Brittany Jones
Administrative Assistant
Canadian Studies
Email: [email protected]

Questions or inquires can be directed to Dr. Andrea Beverley, Program Head of Canadian Studies at [email protected]

Mount Allison acknowledges, honours, and respects that the land named Sackville, NB is part of the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People who are the historic inhabitants, custodians, and dwellers on the land where our University is built and confirms its commitment to strengthening relationships with all Indigenous people.

Mount Allison is committed to diversity and inclusiveness. We encourage applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities. We seek candidates with qualifications and knowledge to contribute specifically to the further diversification of our campus community.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents are given priority. Canadians and permanent residents should indicate their citizenship status in their application.