ProconnectPay Loan

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ProconnectPAY is legally registered in Nigeria as Proconnect Tech Solutions Limited with the Corporate Affairs Corporation.

1st, 2nd, 3rd Class DEGREE Holders, current University Undergraduates and HND Holders are ELIGIBLE to apply. HND Holders, 2nd Class Lower Graduates and in some cases 3rd Class Graduates can go for a direct post-graduate program in the United States or Canada.

The maximum loan a candidate can access per annum is 50,000 USD and in two years 100,000 USD. The Interest Rate on the Loan for Post-graduate Student is 11.99% per annum whilst Undergraduates pay 13.99% per annum.

The full explanation on how the International Student Loan works is explained in the link here: (Less than 5 minutes Reading)

ProconnectPAY Loan only supports STEM, Health, and MBA Oriented Programs. Find list of STEM/Health Designated Courses we support:

We have a Question-and-Answer Segment here that takes less than 3 minutes to read through on click:

ProconnectPAY will be responsible for applying for your loan on your behalf whilst we assign a Manager that would guide you in your SCHOOL APPLICATION which you are solely responsible for. We do not mandate IETLS, GRE, TOEFL or GMAT Exams.

These are the list of ProconnectPAY Supported Schools: Lastly, register here for our JAPA Webinars on Thursdays and Saturdays: (We will send reminders)

Lastly, we do not expect you to return to Africa upon graduation – we will guide and mentor you continually on how to get a build yourself, land opportunities, and even earn citizenship once you are able to distinguish yourself in an impact manner.

(Individual Candidates who wish to receive this personalized and dedicated support must become a MEMBER of the ProconnectPAY. There are TERMS and CONDITIONS to this MEMBERSHIP.)