Volunteer Medical Clinic DC Healthcare Outreach – AmeriCorps

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Member Duties : The AmeriCorps Healthcare Outreach member will be focused on four main tasks: 1. Recruiting clinicians and patients by leading the establishment and/or strengthening of local partnerships with local community organizations; 2. Direct patient support by serving as the clinic’s on-call Eligibility Specialist and Medical Spanish Interpreter as well as helping with patient intakes; 3. Quality Improvement by administering patient satisfaction surveys, supporting clinician chart reviews, and compiling monthly or quarterly reports from the results of these efforts; and; 4. Supporting the CC-DC healthcare services by supporting efforts to process patient referrals to specialty care, and more. This position is a part of Catholic Charities USA’s Healthcare Outreach Program, a national intermediary project. As a member, you will meet virtually with other members serving throughout the country, all focused on assisting individuals within healthcare outreach.   Program Benefits : Education award upon successful completion of service ,  Health Coverage ,  Childcare assistance if eligible ,  Living Allowance ,  Training .    Terms :
Permits working at another job during off hours ,  Permits attendance at school during off hours .    Service Areas :
Community Outreach ,  Health ,  Public Health AmeriCorps .    Skills :
Communications ,  Public Health ,  Leadership ,  Computers/Technology ,  Medicine ,  Community Organization