Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

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Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) are meant to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career in health, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences or humanities. These awards are also meant to encourage you to undertake graduate studies by providing research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting.

For further details, visit the USRA program description.

Funds Available

CIHR and partner(s) financial contributions for this initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right to reduce, defer or suspend financial contributions to awards received as a result of this funding opportunity.

  • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $570,000, enough to fund approximately 95 awards.
  • Award funding is allocated as follows: $6,000 plus host institution contribution.

Refer to the Undergraduate Student Research Awards allocations web page for a list of allocations by institution and by agency.



The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career and as well as to encourage you to undertake graduate studies.



Eligibility to Apply

Most of the eligibility criteria for USRAs are the same across the agencies. One notable exception is the fact that, at the present time, CIHR and SSHRC USRAs are exclusively for Black student researchers. To be eligible to apply for these awards, you must self-identify as Black*.

For further details, refer to the USRA program description.

* Note that this self-identification information will be shared with the institution to which you are applying and, if awarded, publicly.



General CIHR Policies

Before submitting an application to this funding opportunity, applicants should review the relevant policies and guidelines on the CIHR Funding Policies page to ensure understanding of their responsibilities and expectations.

Allowable Costs

Applicants are advised to consult the Use of Grant Funds section of the Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) Guide on Financial Administration (TAGFA) to determine if an expenditure is an appropriate use of grant funds.

Conditions of Funding

  • The applicant must consent to the use and disclosure of full application and nominative information at the time of application, for purposes of relevance review and/or funding decisions by the relevant sponsors.